Saturday, January 10, 2009

Suggestions? Comments?

Do you have any comments, suggestions, or general questions about the book? Just E-mail me at E-mail me at any time and I should reply between 1-3 business days. Don't be afraid to E-mail and tell me what you're thinking because I am only human, I can't read minds like Edward can!

Character Info. (Twilight Alone)

Who is that? Don't know about a character? I'm on the case! Here are the book characters in Twilight ALONE. This doesn't include the rest of the books. You will get the 4-1-1 on them too!

Bella- Main character, Edward's lover

Edward- Main character, Bella's lover

Jacob- Bella's friend who really helped Bella find out Edward is what he is

Charlie- Bella's dad

Renee`- Bella's mom

Phil- Bella's step dad

Jasper- Edwards brother

Alice- Edward's sweet sister

Rosalie- Edward's grumpy sister who hates anything and everything

James, Victoria, and Laurent- Other vampires, who you'll learn about later in the book

Esme- Edward's step mom

Carlisle- Edward's step dad

Jessica and gang- Bella's friends

Tyler- Friend of Bella (sorta) who almost killed her with his truck

Sorry if I left off a few. I listed the one's I remember. If there are more I forgot, don't be afraid to E-mail me. is my E-mail address.

Bookstores of the Earth!

Want to start the Twilight series or need one of the books, but don't know where to start? Well here are some starter places to get the Twilight books:

* Barnes and Noble

* Walmart

* Target (that is where I have gotten all of my books)

* POSSIBLY, B.A.M. (Books A Million, in Concord Mills Mall may have them ?)

* Waldenbooks (in Valley Hills Mall)

Of course, there are other retailers, these are jsut some off the top of my head.

More Links

This isn't the only website for Twilight Lover fans. Here are some more:

These are some of the websites I have previously gone to. Want more links? You can find more at: Be sure to come back to this one!

Want More?!

Have you read Twilight yet? Hunger for more? Lucky for you, there is still more to come!

First off, Twilight isn't the only book in the series. Here is the order:

1. Twilight
2. New Moon
3. Eclipse
4. Breaking Dawn

Each story has it's own suspense, so read all of them! Try to read them in the right order so you wont be confused.

Plus, Twilight has it's own movie! Edward is played by Robert Pattinson, Bella is played by Kirsten Stewart. READ THE BOOK FIRST BEFORE YOU WATCH THE MOVIE! SOME CONTENT IN THE BOOK AND MOVIE ARE DIFFERENT!

I heard that they are supposed to be making a fifth book in the series.

They are also working on making the rest of the books movies, too. So I heard.

What It's About

Twilight is a book about a seventeen year-old girl named Bella Swann. Her mother, Renee and her father, Charlie are divorced and now and her mother has just gotten remarried to a man named Phil. Phil and Renee are going to go travel, so Bella is forced to move from her cozy home in Phoenix Arizona, to a wet and rainy home in a small town in Forks, Washington with Charlie. She starts a new school and eventually makes some friends. And one not so delightful friend. On her first day, she learns that the Cullen family stick together very closely. Edward Cullen, seems so... disgusted with her the first day. She can sense the hatrid in him. Eventually, the two become friends. She eventually finds out a secret about him that could change her life, or even put it in danger.